The City of SeaTac is happy to announce that we will be hosting a recycling event for all King County residents at the North SeaTac Park Parking Lot. Materials to be collected are: shredding, scrap metal, porcelain, motor oil, anti-freeze, Styrofoam, plastic bags, donation items for NorthWest Center, batteries, CFL light Bulbs, and latex paint.
We are also requesting the following precautions be met:
We strongly discourage you from attending if you are at increased risk of complications due to COVID-19 - This includes people 60 years or older, and those with underlying medical conditions.
Don't attend if you are sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone in your household is.
Stay in your vehicle and follow directions by staff.
If you must get out of your vehicle, keep at least six feet of space between yourself and others.
Do not touch your face.
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds frequently when possible or use alcohol-based sanitizer as an alternative if hand washing is not available.
We encourage you to wear a face mask
Please be patient as delays can be expected due to event staff maintaining social distancing and customers holding on to items during the "Stay Home, Stay Healthy" order.
SeaTac Summer Recycling Event
Date and Time
Saturday Jun 27, 2020 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
North SeaTac Park, North Parking Lot
13001 20th Ave S
SeaTac, Washington 98168